FPSC strives to promote transparency in our operations and consistency in our policies and processes.

In accordance with the our Constitution the object of the FPSC is:

(a) To promote and encourage participation, both competitively and recreationally in swimming and related activities;

(b) To arrange programs of competition for swimming Members with other clubs and Associations with like objects, and with swim schools, universities and other like entities;

(c) To be affiliated with SWA; and

(d) To do all such other things as the Club may deem to be incidental or conductive to attainment of the above objects or any of them.

Please click on the link below to view a copy of our Constitution.

FPSC Constitution

Please click on the link below to view the 2022/23 Presidents Annual Report

2022/23 President’s Annual Report

Integrity in sport means that athletes, supporters and fans can participate and celebrate sport, confident in the knowledge that they are part of a safe, ethical and inclusive environment.

Any threats to the integrity of sport (such as competition-manipulation, doping, and behaviours that impact people’s positive experience of sport, such as discrimination or abuse) are taken seriously by Swimming Australia.

The National Integrity Framework (NIF) is a set of rules that all members of our sport need to follow when it comes to their behaviour and conduct in swimming including obligations to report misconduct.

Those rules are contained in the following policies: 

  1. Safeguarding Children & Young People Policy 
  2. Member Protection Policy 
  3. Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine Policy 
  4. Competition Manipulation & Sports Gambling Policy 
  5. Complaints, Disputes & Discipline Policy (CDDP) 
  6. Code of Conduct 

Please click on the link below for further information about the National Integrity Framework.

National Integrity Framework

We encourage everyone to become familiar with these resources.

These policies are in force from 1 January 2024.

Who can I speak to?

Please direct any questions in the first instance to:

FPSC Member Protection Information Officer


Alternatively please contact

Sport Integrity Australia

 Phone:1300 027 232

Web: sportintegrity.gov.au/contact-us/ 

Swimming Australia

Phone: 0417 993 846 (National Integrity Manager) 

Phone: 0474 485 023 (Complaints Manager) 

Web: swimming.org.au 

Email: integrity@swimming.org.au